Enjoy this site and have lots of fun... I really hope it can be useful for you...

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011


Still in New York, as you know... The objective of this task is very easy. You are a couple and you are going to make your plans to have an evening and night out in NY next Saturday. Your total bugdget for the night is 300 €. If you need to calculate the money in dollars, you can use the following online currency converter:

Visit this web page where you can find a wide offer of different activities you can do in the city (including free ones!!!) organized by categories (clubbing, theatre, restaurants...) Feel free, however, to explore other webs you want to.

As you will be likely to do more than one activity, don't forget to take into account the time that will take you to get from one place to another. You can calculate it by using Google Maps. Once you access the web page, you can find the option "Get Directions" on the upper left corner. Introduce the adressess of the places you want to leave from and get to and Google will calculate the estimated time for you. Be careful, however, to select that option you want to (on foot, by car...), depending on how you are going to move around the city.

Don't forget that this is a night out for two, so the first thing you will have to do is to agree on what you want to do and give reasons to the other for your choice. In case of disagreement, you will have to convince your partner that your option is better than his/hers.

ATTENTION: once you all finish, you will report back to the rest of the class your plans and we will vote the following categories:
- CHEAPEST PLAN (very usefull in times of recession :S)

As usual, I would really appreciate if you have 2m to leave any comments about the task once you have finished... thanx a million!!!!!! :)

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